Revolution DMS

Helping a leading dealer management software company reposition themselves to be focussed on customer experience.

The goal of the project

To build a new website that was based around Revolutions motto ‘Unstoppable, Together’ and allowed new and existing dealerships to see revolution as the top DMS provider in the industry of automotive, marine and motorcycle sales.

My role

Lead the UX Design Process through workshops, wireframes, presentations of designs.

Discovery workshop

The objective of the discovery workshop was to build out our client persona, customer journey and a sitemap for the MVP release of the website. We worked with the key stakeholders from Revolution to build these out which would then allow us to build a website around the requirements and journey we had mapped out.

Customer Persona Mapping

Customer Journey Map

What we discovered in the session

We ran this session remotely with the Revolution team and were able to come up with a solid persona and journey through the process. Our persona is a director of an automotive, marine or motorcycle dealership that was looking to streamline their operations when it comes to their day to day business at a dealership. They are weary of changing systems within a dealership due to the previous change management experiences they had encountered, and were also hesitant about best practices in a new DMS being pre defined by the system itself, which wouldn’t allow them to use their own tried and proved methods as sales professionals.

The journey map that we came together on also confirmed this, they needed that trust and a great first impression to move from being aware to considering Revolution as a new DMS partner. This then needs to be backed up by a solid onboarding and change management process in order for them to move through to making a decision to eventually go ahead with Revolution as a new DMS.

Sitemap for MVP

After our discovery session, we went away to build out a sitemap that was going to allow us to provide all of the information on the website for prospective and existing clients for Revolution DMS. We knew that they needed to feel comfortable with change management, build trust with the Revolution brand and also have full transparency about the offering of the Dealer Management System.

It was also really important that we spoke to each of the three specialist fields in automotive, marine and motorcycle dealerships and that we made it easy for people to get in touch with the Revolution team.

Wireframes of key pages

Having the sitemap completed, I was then able to build out the wireframes for the pages on the website. Below you’ll be able to find the home page, how it works page, product/dealerships page, contact us and legal page

Conclusion and Key Takeaways

For my first project that I took the lead on, I was really happy with how this process went! It was great to see how the site came to life and hit those goals of building trust, showcasing the benefits of the platform and enforced Revolution as a leading DMS provider.

I didn’t have a whole lot to do with the UI process, but I did help with a bunch of the content management and transition from their old site into this new version which is launching very soon. It will be really exciting to start seeing the results for the business after the transition to this new site!

The End Result




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